Emballator Lagan received EcoVadis Gold
Posted 2023-05-09Thanks to focusing on environmental initiatives, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement Emballator Lagan have received EcoVadis Gold. Reaching high EcoVadis ratings are a part of the Emballator Group ambition for sustainability.
EcoVadis, the world’s most trusted business sustainability rating according to themselves, work with more than 75 000 companies in over 160 countries and 200 industries. The score includes ratings for Environment, Ethics, Labor & Human Rights, and Sustainable Procurement.
Emballator Lagan are working with many sustainability initiatives based on the Emballator Climate Strategy within Scope 1, 2 and 3.
“Sustainability has been a natural and important part of our business for many years, we are now focusing on continuing our rollout of packaging in consumer recycled materials and creating tools for measurement to see our improvements within these areas. I’m proud of the team effort for reaching this rating and I’m also looking forward to continuously improve our sustainability”, says Per Petterson, CEO at Emballator Lagan.
One of the focus areas for Emballator Group going forward is sustainability within supply chain, for example Supplier Code of Conduct and good working environment.
“I’m congratulating Emballator Lagan for their sustainability achievement. There are a lot of projects within all our companies ongoing that will improve sustainability and contribute to our Group Climate Strategy”, says Maria Edqvist Schultz, Head of Sustainability at Emballator.
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